Family Vacation

family Mar 25, 2019

When you hear the words "family vacation" what comes to mind?  Questions like "Are we there yet?" or thoughts of making stressful decisions and budget concerns?

After ten years of taking family vacations, I have good news for you!  A good, fun vacation that all of your family will treasure forever is possible!

I have learned how to make long car rides fun, how to travel with small children, how to tailor what we did on the vacation with what we were learning in homeschool.

For example, if you are reading about a cave but have never been inside one, the story has less impact.

Also, times spent overcoming challenges and brainstorming together for the next best step is not only memorable but connection building.

I have also learned ideas for capturing memories and bringing closure to the trip as the return to normal life is in sight.

I have also searched out tips to make the trip work within a budget, and still visit places that are amazing to explore!

This past summer we returned to some of the locations we visited on one of our first family vacations.  We put together a video slideshow to capture not only the memories, but also how much we have all changed and grown!  All I can say is God is good!

Please click here to see the video, then head over to the resources section on my home page to schedule your free 20 minute vacation strategy session today!



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