A Cup of Tea

I would love to have tea with you and tell you why I am a coach!

When I decided to get my coaching certification part of me was scared.  Was this direction that God was leading me?  Could I succeed in this space?

That night I had a dream.  I was back in our seminary apartment.  I was in our living room and with the sun streaming through our beautiful front windows.  It felt good to be in here.  Then my eye noticed the walls.  Instead of the neutral color apartment paint, I noticed the wallpaper that covered the walls. 

When I awoke from the dream, I asked God about it.  I felt God was saying to me that now was the time to give away all the things that He has been pouring into me for the last twenty years.

I love to write!  Therefore, as I have walked through the years of parenting, and children’s ministry I have recorded all of the wisdom that God has given to me in these moments.  I also wrote down what I noticed about...

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Family Vacation

family Mar 25, 2019

When you hear the words "family vacation" what comes to mind?  Questions like "Are we there yet?" or thoughts of making stressful decisions and budget concerns?

After ten years of taking family vacations, I have good news for you!  A good, fun vacation that all of your family will treasure forever is possible!

I have learned how to make long car rides fun, how to travel with small children, how to tailor what we did on the vacation with what we were learning in homeschool.

For example, if you are reading about a cave but have never been inside one, the story has less impact.

Also, times spent overcoming challenges and brainstorming together for the next best step is not only memorable but connection building.

I have also learned ideas for capturing memories and bringing closure to the trip as the return to normal life is in sight.

I have also searched out tips to make the trip work within a budget, and still visit places that are amazing to explore!

This past summer...

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