When Your Path Becomes A River

motivation Dec 22, 2018

Most mountain hiking paths need navigating.  There are rocks to avoid, tree roots to step over, and turns to negotiate, all while making sure you keep a good distance from the edge.  But what if your path is a river, where you can’t see your feet, you need a hiking stick to find your footing, and the current is either a gift or a means for more effort? 


As we hiked “The Narrows” in Zion National Park, I thought a lot about when my path is like a river.  The path was difficult, but God pulled my attention to the beautiful canyon walls on each side of the river.  They were not only a wonder to look at but brought definition and safety to the path. 


What does your current path in life look like?  Do you have the normal daily obstacles to navigate, or is your path a river where walking is more difficult and finding your footing is challenging?


Our family has been in a time of transition, as our oldest is in her first year of college, and our middle daughter is finishing her final year of high school.  As we have walked in this river of change, God has showed me His protection and guidance and strengthening to withstand the current and make progress on the path.


If you are currently in a river, ask God to open your eyes to the walls of grace that He has for you as you journey this way.  Keep your focus on God and keep stepping!


No matter what the terrain, know “that it is in Him that we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28



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