Manna Momments

inspirational Oct 03, 2023

I thought a lot about Manna this summer!

I love God’s whole story.  I love how I get to know God as I see His heart and know His ways as He unfolds His plans in history.  I love reading how God cares for each of His children and meets their needs. 

But I also love how God leads and highlights a particular part of His story that has a special application for my life in this moment.

This is how I came to focus on manna.  We read about God's provision of manna in Exodus 16.4a

"Then the Lord said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day."

The manna, the food that God gave His children in the wilderness, was a gift from God.

It came every morning to meet the real need of hunger.

The manna was only a blessing to them if it was seen, then gathered, and then eaten.  It was then that the people could enjoy the nourishment and strengthening that came from God’s heart.

During our vacation, God opened my eyes to specific truths that He wanted to highlight to me.  These truths were unfolded in my daily experiences. 

I named them Manna Moments because they were words that God wanted me to hear that would bring me life.

God wanted me to stop and pick these moments up.

He wanted me to prepare these moments by LISTENING to what He was saying and then INGESTING the truth He was highlighting.  He showed me I could do this by letting the truth change my thoughts, fill my prayers, and then guide my actions.

These words that He spoke to me gave me the encouragement that I needed that day in my life, for my family, and for the world.

Each of these moments were and are seeds that God planted in my life that continue to grow as I meditate on them and allow them to continue to give me life.

I want to share my manna moments with you, and I pray that they will be a blessing to you and also a springboard to hear what God wants to speak to your heart today.

Maybe He will show you how the truth that He highlighted to me fits perfectly into your current moment, or maybe it will awaken you to how God is speaking to you today!

My prayer is reading these moments will help you to treasure the voice of God in your life.


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