Fantastic Fall

Uncategorized Sep 27, 2019

What do you like about fall?

Maybe it is the crisp feel in the air, or getting to pull out your sweaters after months of T-shirts and shorts?

I love the fall colors!

I often thank God that He created the trees to change different colors. Fall would look a lot different if all the trees just turned yellow. Instead we are greeted with a beautiful spectrum of yellows, reds, and oranges!

I also think of how each type of tree needs different factors to make them grow.  One tree may need more sunshine; another may need more water.  The key is that you know what care each specific tree needs.

So what lessons can we learn from fall? 

First, we need to pay attention how to care for the individual parts of our lives and relationships, so they will grow into their unique flavor.

Second, we need to celebrate variety!  "Comparison is a thief of joy," and as someone else said, be the best version of you, because only you can be you!

Finally the lesson of fall is that if you plant, harvest will come!

I want to suggest that even if you are not intentionally planting, you are planting something each day with your voice, your actions and even your inaction!

Imagine when you speak a kind word to your child, seeds are pouring out into their hearts. Fall is a great time to evaluate your harvest. Are you happy with what you are gathering?

Another way to think of it is that you are leaving footprints wherever you walk.

What do your footprint look like?

When we walk through each day we are leaving marks! Are you happy with how you are walking?

I just created an online retreat to look at three areas of your life:  How you are planting in your life, with your time, and in your relationships.  I have now turned this retreat into an online course where you can create your own retreat anytime or anywhere!  Click here to learn more.

I would love for you to join in my online retreat that will help you leave footsteps of joy wherever you go!
You can find the details in the comments.


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