Busy or Bulldozer?

motivation Oct 10, 2019

The sun shone through the windows as the alarm by my bed rang.

Before me were the usual tasks that fill up my busy days, meals to cook, laundry to fold and floors to clean.

So many tasks to fill up my time and all necessary to the functioning of our family.

Then there are those moments in the day. They are not many, but they do come - moments where you can pick your next task. I can find things to do that will keep me busy, but I can also choose something that will move me forward toward one of my goals.

Making this choice requires effort, because it is breaking new ground, walking where I have never been before. It requires courage to face my fears, and strength to move in ways that may not feel natural. But if I choose to make the step that will bring me closer to achieving a goal that God has placed on my heart, the result will be joy and a new way will be paved.

If I daily choose to do what feels hard, these moments become a bulldozer, clearing the path for dreams to be reached.

So ask yourself, will you be busy today, or will you take a step towards your dreams and clear a new path with your actions?

Choose to blaze a new path today.

Don’t just stay busy!


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