Summer Growth

Uncategorized Sep 27, 2019

Summer time is one of my favorite times of the year!

I love the sunshine and all the outdoor activities that open up with the long days and warm nights.  Nothing can compare with the luscious growth of summer!

We live in Illinois, so with the changing seasons comes changing weather.

As we transition to fall, I began to ponder how to keep the growth of summer in our family life.

I uncovered four principles that work in summer gardening to keep our family growing all year long:

Keep applying mulch.  Mulch protects the plants and keeps moisture close to the soil.

We need to protect what is working.  What have we done this past season that has brought peace into our lives?  What are some things that we have enjoyed doing together?  What areas are we growing in? 

Protect what is working!

Pull the weeds.  What are some things that are stealing your time or draining your energy?  Was there anything that dominated your time that was not life giving? What things are causing you anxiety? 

Cleanse the areas of trouble!

Pour water on your plants!

Think of your goals as plants.  Decide which ones you are making progress on and celebrate these.  Now turn your attention to the ones that need attention.   

Have goals and work towards them!


Plant flowers in your garden!

Make sure you include laughter in your days.  Add a special dessert for dinner.  Stop and take a walk and enjoy the outdoors.

Add fun to your life!



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