The Right Combination

children Mar 15, 2019

Hiking the narrows this summer was a true highlight for me!  I loved seeing the smooth towering rock on either side of the path.  I loved seeing the crystal blue sky and the sun streaming down making the water glimmer!

My heart overflowed with thanksgiving at the handiwork of God, who created all this beauty. I found the picture on this post as we were looking through our pictures from this amazing hike.

The picture reminded me of a thought I heard while listening to a speaker.  Ray Hughes said that when you combine beauty and truth it awakens wonder.  As I looked at the beautiful rock surrounding me on this hike, and remembered that this was my Father’s handiwork, my heart was filled with wonder!

It is so important that we help our children with their ability to live in wonder.  As we fill their hearts with truth, we must also surround them with the beautiful things that God has created, so that they can nurture their natural ability to live in...

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