The Lesson of the Balloons

motivation Oct 17, 2019

The sun peeked behind a cloud as the boys drew their bows tight. Their teacher loved challenging them with different games. This game was a point challenge. Each shot they made had the potential to earn from one to a million points!

The arrows wizzed through the air as each boy racked up points! Then their teacher added a new level of challenge. He put red and blue balloons on each target with even more points to gain.

As I watched this new game get underway I was surprised by two things.

First, although each boy missed the balloons, they each hit the target EVERY time!

The second thing I noticed was they all were disappointed.

Even though none of the balloons were broken, the teacher congratulated them for never missing the target. He said that the balloons had brought an added precision, even though the goal was not being reached.

I recently completed my coaching certification with Kingdom Builders Academy. I had set many goals for myself, so when I reached the one year mark and was...

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Busy or Bulldozer?

motivation Oct 10, 2019

The sun shone through the windows as the alarm by my bed rang.

Before me were the usual tasks that fill up my busy days, meals to cook, laundry to fold and floors to clean.

So many tasks to fill up my time and all necessary to the functioning of our family.

Then there are those moments in the day. They are not many, but they do come - moments where you can pick your next task. I can find things to do that will keep me busy, but I can also choose something that will move me forward toward one of my goals.

Making this choice requires effort, because it is breaking new ground, walking where I have never been before. It requires courage to face my fears, and strength to move in ways that may not feel natural. But if I choose to make the step that will bring me closer to achieving a goal that God has placed on my heart, the result will be joy and a new way will be paved.

If I daily choose to do what feels hard, these moments become a bulldozer, clearing the path for dreams to be reached.


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Fantastic Fall

Uncategorized Sep 27, 2019

What do you like about fall?

Maybe it is the crisp feel in the air, or getting to pull out your sweaters after months of T-shirts and shorts?

I love the fall colors!

I often thank God that He created the trees to change different colors. Fall would look a lot different if all the trees just turned yellow. Instead we are greeted with a beautiful spectrum of yellows, reds, and oranges!

I also think of how each type of tree needs different factors to make them grow.  One tree may need more sunshine; another may need more water.  The key is that you know what care each specific tree needs.

So what lessons can we learn from fall? 

First, we need to pay attention how to care for the individual parts of our lives and relationships, so they will grow into their unique flavor.

Second, we need to celebrate variety!  "Comparison is a thief of joy," and as someone else said, be the best version of you, because only you can be you!

Finally the lesson of fall is...

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Summer Growth

Uncategorized Sep 27, 2019

Summer time is one of my favorite times of the year!

I love the sunshine and all the outdoor activities that open up with the long days and warm nights.  Nothing can compare with the luscious growth of summer!

We live in Illinois, so with the changing seasons comes changing weather.

As we transition to fall, I began to ponder how to keep the growth of summer in our family life.

I uncovered four principles that work in summer gardening to keep our family growing all year long:

Keep applying mulch.  Mulch protects the plants and keeps moisture close to the soil.

We need to protect what is working.  What have we done this past season that has brought peace into our lives?  What are some things that we have enjoyed doing together?  What areas are we growing in? 

Protect what is working!

Pull the weeds.  What are some things that are stealing your time or draining your energy?  Was there anything that dominated your time that was not life...

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Spring Time!

inspirational Jun 15, 2019

What do you like best about spring?  Is it the light green of the leaves as they open up for the first time?  Or do you enjoy the brilliant colors of the first flowers to dot the landscape?  Maybe it is the tender apple blossom blooms or the yellow daffodils that dance in the breeze?  

No matter what you answered, I am sure you will agree with me that spring is a beautiful season - when what looks dead begins to burst forth with life and color! 

When you look at the different areas of your life, is there any part that is still stuck in winter?  Do you feel distraction and deadness in any of your relationships?  Are there dreams in your heart that lay dormant?

Let me help you transition to a new season, and see God breathe life into what looks cold and dried up.  Sign up for one of my fifteen minutes Life Connections consults today!


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Family Vacation

family Mar 25, 2019

When you hear the words "family vacation" what comes to mind?  Questions like "Are we there yet?" or thoughts of making stressful decisions and budget concerns?

After ten years of taking family vacations, I have good news for you!  A good, fun vacation that all of your family will treasure forever is possible!

I have learned how to make long car rides fun, how to travel with small children, how to tailor what we did on the vacation with what we were learning in homeschool.

For example, if you are reading about a cave but have never been inside one, the story has less impact.

Also, times spent overcoming challenges and brainstorming together for the next best step is not only memorable but connection building.

I have also learned ideas for capturing memories and bringing closure to the trip as the return to normal life is in sight.

I have also searched out tips to make the trip work within a budget, and still visit places that are amazing to explore!

This past summer...

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The Right Combination

children Mar 15, 2019

Hiking the narrows this summer was a true highlight for me!  I loved seeing the smooth towering rock on either side of the path.  I loved seeing the crystal blue sky and the sun streaming down making the water glimmer!

My heart overflowed with thanksgiving at the handiwork of God, who created all this beauty. I found the picture on this post as we were looking through our pictures from this amazing hike.

The picture reminded me of a thought I heard while listening to a speaker.  Ray Hughes said that when you combine beauty and truth it awakens wonder.  As I looked at the beautiful rock surrounding me on this hike, and remembered that this was my Father’s handiwork, my heart was filled with wonder!

It is so important that we help our children with their ability to live in wonder.  As we fill their hearts with truth, we must also surround them with the beautiful things that God has created, so that they can nurture their natural ability to live in...

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When Your Path Becomes A River

motivation Dec 22, 2018

Most mountain hiking paths need navigating.  There are rocks to avoid, tree roots to step over, and turns to negotiate, all while making sure you keep a good distance from the edge.  But what if your path is a river, where you can’t see your feet, you need a hiking stick to find your footing, and the current is either a gift or a means for more effort? 


As we hiked “The Narrows” in Zion National Park, I thought a lot about when my path is like a river.  The path was difficult, but God pulled my attention to the beautiful canyon walls on each side of the river.  They were not only a wonder to look at but brought definition and safety to the path. 


What does your current path in life look like?  Do you have the normal daily obstacles to navigate, or is your path a river where walking is more difficult and finding your footing is challenging?


Our family has been in a time of transition, as our oldest is in her...

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The Path

motivation Nov 08, 2018

Where are your eyes when you are walking on a mountain path?  Are you looking at the drop off? Or the view?  If you are looking at the danger you will be full of fear and will make little progress on the path.  It is good to have an awareness of the danger of a misstep but if this is where your focus is it will affect your pace on the path. 

On the other hand if you are looking at the view then the joy will flow in your heart as you enjoy the beauty of all that is around you.  Let the view be the grace that you need to power your steps.  This will help make your journey one of pleasure and not pain. 

 In recent times of transition in our family God showed me that I was focusing on the danger of the path rather than the view He was allowing me to see.  This revelation brought a new freedom for me to walk the path He has set before me.

So as you walk the path that God has placed you on.   Keep your focus in the right place. Fix...
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The Next Right Step

motivation Nov 08, 2018

I love breaking things down into small chunks, doing things one step at a time.  It is easier to think of writing for five minutes than reserving an hour for a task that may seem impossible.

I have a bookmark in every book, so when we open the book we know right where we left off and can launch from there.  It is freeing to know that we are making progress, and not so much confined to a checklist.

In our family, we have used this method over and over again.  Whether it is school work or household chores,  I always say you can do (almost) anything for five minutes.  I like to say,  “We do a lot of things a little bit every day.”  By using this strategy, at the end of the week we have made significant progress in many areas of our lives. 

Another place where this attitude is helpful is when you are grieving, or experiencing a difficult time.  You may not be able to do all your normal activities, but try picking just...

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